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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Reena Vasquez Model Mayhem

Reena Vasquez Model Mayhem

I'm Filipina and live in the Richardson/Dallas area. I grew up in the Philippines and have been living in the states for nearly 10 years. Over the years, I've learned the value of acceptance and commitment. There are many misconceptions about who I really am as a person, and often times, I am solely abjudicated by many based on the photographs they see. 

 Reena Vasquez Model Mayhem

It is painful at times to learn that some people already made up their mind about me without even attempting to get a closer look of the person that I am. I find it disturbing, but at the same time, it has taught me a significant understanding of how we shall take the time to get to know a person before passing on any judgment. Being able to model for a little over 2 years now, I have come to grip the worth of acceptance; acceptance of who you are as a person and acceptance of the people around us. Commitment is a monumental necessity to achieve whatever dreams we may have. I personally believe that everything you aspire is attainable as long as we make a commitment to work harder towards whatever we dream for ourselves and for our family. With constant hope, faith, and perseverance, we will always prevail in all our endeavors. 

 Reena Vasquez Model Mayhem

I am very strong-minded, independent, and industrious. I dedicate my heart and much of my efforts for all that I dream. Little by little, I see myself accomplish what I thought seemed implausible to accomplish. I am never afraid to fail, because I know the lessons of failure will aid me in the future to achieve loftier ambitions and perspectives in life. Modeling wasnt something I always wanted to do. Once i started I love every moment in front of the camera. I am prompt and easy to work with. But most of all, I have a blast! If any questions or concerns feel free to send me a message. Thanks.


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